Audio Books on Hindu Philosophy of Jnana (Advaita Vedanta) and Bhakti Yoga
Sanatan Audio Books

Shrimat PP Sadguru Bhagwan Shri Shridhar Swami Maharaj Audio Pravachana
Sri Shreedhara Swami Maharaj (Devanagari: श्री श्रीधर स्वामी Maharaj, Kannada:ಶ್ರೀ ಶ್ರೀಧರ ಸ್ವಾಮಿ Maharaj) (7 December 1908 – 19 April 1973) was a prominent Marathi-Kannada saint and religious poet in the Hindu tradition. Shreedhar Swami was a devotee of the Hindu god Ram and a disciple of Samarth Ramdas.
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To know more about Shri Swami Maharaj please visit -
Brahmachaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj Marathi Pravachans
Brahmachaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj (Feb 1845 - Dec 22, 1913) was a Hindu saint who resided in the Taluka of Maan at Gondavale Budruk in Satara District, Maharashtra, India. His pre-sainthood name was Ganapati. Brahmachaitanya was a devotee of the Hindu god Rama and signed his name as 'Brahmachaitanya Ramdasi'.
He left his home in search of a spiritual 'Guru' when he was just 9 years old. He went to Yehalegaon in Nanded district and became a disciple of Shri Sant Tukamai who gave him the name Brahmachaitanya.
He spent a lifetime teaching the importance of Nama Japa (chanting name of God). He advocated the continued remembrance of God by Nama Japa as a means of happiness, contentment and peace. He made extensive use of 'Pravachans', 'Bhajans', 'Vedic Anushthans' etc. for encouraging people to follow the path of Bhakti (devotion). He taught people the Mantra ' Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' This Mantra has 13 letters (Alphabets). Each letter has its own meaning and Shri Maharaj has written 13 different 'Abhangas' on each of this letter. He said that this Mantra was given by Shi Rama to Sita and that this Mantra implies that Ram is our Master and is in our heart and takes care for all of us.
He left his home in search of a spiritual 'Guru' when he was just 9 years old. He went to Yehalegaon in Nanded district and became a disciple of Shri Sant Tukamai who gave him the name Brahmachaitanya.
He spent a lifetime teaching the importance of Nama Japa (chanting name of God). He advocated the continued remembrance of God by Nama Japa as a means of happiness, contentment and peace. He made extensive use of 'Pravachans', 'Bhajans', 'Vedic Anushthans' etc. for encouraging people to follow the path of Bhakti (devotion). He taught people the Mantra ' Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' This Mantra has 13 letters (Alphabets). Each letter has its own meaning and Shri Maharaj has written 13 different 'Abhangas' on each of this letter. He said that this Mantra was given by Shi Rama to Sita and that this Mantra implies that Ram is our Master and is in our heart and takes care for all of us.
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Brahmachaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj English Pravachana
Brahmachaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj (Feb 1845 - Dec 22, 1913) was a Hindu saint who resided in the Taluka of Maan at Gondavale Budruk in Satara District, Maharashtra, India. His pre-sainthood name was Ganapati. Brahmachaitanya was a devotee of the Hindu god Rama and signed his name as 'Brahmachaitanya Ramdasi'.
He left his home in search of a spiritual 'Guru' when he was just 9 years old. He went to Yehalegaon in Nanded district and became a disciple of Shri Sant Tukamai who gave him the name Brahmachaitanya.
He spent a lifetime teaching the importance of Nama Japa (chanting name of God). He advocated the continued remembrance of God by Nama Japa as a means of happiness, contentment and peace. He made extensive use of 'Pravachans', 'Bhajans', 'Vedic Anushthans' etc. for encouraging people to follow the path of Bhakti (devotion). He taught people the Mantra ' Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' This Mantra has 13 letters (Alphabets). Each letter has its own meaning and Shri Maharaj has written 13 different 'Abhangas' on each of this letter. He said that this Mantra was given by Shi Rama to Sita and that this Mantra implies that Ram is our Master and is in our heart and takes care for all of us.
He left his home in search of a spiritual 'Guru' when he was just 9 years old. He went to Yehalegaon in Nanded district and became a disciple of Shri Sant Tukamai who gave him the name Brahmachaitanya.
He spent a lifetime teaching the importance of Nama Japa (chanting name of God). He advocated the continued remembrance of God by Nama Japa as a means of happiness, contentment and peace. He made extensive use of 'Pravachans', 'Bhajans', 'Vedic Anushthans' etc. for encouraging people to follow the path of Bhakti (devotion). He taught people the Mantra ' Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' This Mantra has 13 letters (Alphabets). Each letter has its own meaning and Shri Maharaj has written 13 different 'Abhangas' on each of this letter. He said that this Mantra was given by Shi Rama to Sita and that this Mantra implies that Ram is our Master and is in our heart and takes care for all of us.
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Shri Shiva Lilambruta
श्रीशिवलीलामृत हा चौदा अध्यायांचा, २४५३ ओव्यांचा ग्रंथ स्कंदपुराणातिल ब्राम्होत्तर खंडाच्या आधारे रचला आहे. हा ओवीबद्ध ग्रंथ प्रसिद्ध संतकवी श्री प.प श्रीधरस्वामी यांनी इ. स. १७१८ मध्ये बारामती (महाराष्ट्र) येथे रचला. त्यांचे पूर्वाश्रमीचे नाव श्रीधर नारायणशास्त्री नाझरेकर असे होते. त्यांचा जन्म महाराष्ट्रात सोलापूर जिल्ह्यातील नाझरे या गावी इ. स. १६५८ साली झाला. वयाच्या विसाव्या वर्षापासून ते पंढरपुरातच स्तायिक झाले होते. तेथे राहून पुराण-प्रवचने व कीर्तने करून भक्तिमार्गाचा प्रसार करू लागले. त्यांची रसाळ कीर्तने ऐकण्यासाठी लोकांची गर्दी लोटू लागली. साहजिकच जे आपण कीर्तन-प्रवचनातून सांगतो, ते ग्रंथबद्ध केल्यास भाविक जनांना त्याचा अधिक लाभ होईल, असा विचार करून त्यांनी पुराणकथा मराठी भाषेत ओविछन्दात लिहिण्यास प्रारंभ केला. त्यांचा पहिला ओवीबद्द ग्रंथ 'हरिविजय' हा होय. आकाराने लहान असलेला श्रीशिवलीलामृत हा त्यांचा शेवटचा सहावा ग्रंथ होय.
श्रीधरस्वामी भगवदभक्त संत होते. त्यांची भाषा संस्कृतप्रचुर असली, तरी साधी व प्रासादिक आहे. त्यांची वर्णनशैली ओघवती, चित्रदर्शी असल्याने वाचकांचे चित्त ग्रंथातील विषयात गुंतवून ठेवते. त्यांच्या काव्यात भक्तिरस प्रधान असून त्याचा परिपोष करणारे वीर-करुनादी रस हि प्रभावशाली आहेत. त्याचबरोबर धर्मशास्त्र, अध्यात्म, सांख्य इत्यादी शास्त्रांची ओळखही ते वाचकांना करून देतात.
अशा या प्रासादिक ग्रंथाचे हे वाचन आहे.
श्रीधरस्वामी भगवदभक्त संत होते. त्यांची भाषा संस्कृतप्रचुर असली, तरी साधी व प्रासादिक आहे. त्यांची वर्णनशैली ओघवती, चित्रदर्शी असल्याने वाचकांचे चित्त ग्रंथातील विषयात गुंतवून ठेवते. त्यांच्या काव्यात भक्तिरस प्रधान असून त्याचा परिपोष करणारे वीर-करुनादी रस हि प्रभावशाली आहेत. त्याचबरोबर धर्मशास्त्र, अध्यात्म, सांख्य इत्यादी शास्त्रांची ओळखही ते वाचकांना करून देतात.
अशा या प्रासादिक ग्रंथाचे हे वाचन आहे.
Android Apps for Audiobooks
Android phone users can now listen to the following audiobooks on the go without having to download audio files. Apps have been developed for these audiobooks and are available on Google Play Store for free. DOWNLOAD TODAY!!
The following Android apps -
01. Datta Mahatmya (Marathi)
02. Ramana Maharshi's 'Who Am I' (Eng,Hindi,Marathi)
03. Shiva Gita (Hindi)
04. Avadhuta Gita (English)
05. Guru Charitra (English)
06. Guru Gita (Sanskrit & Marathi)
07. Geetai - Vinoba Bhave (Marathi)
08. Pandava Gita (English & Hindi)
can be downloaded here -

09. Yoga Vasishtha (Hindi)
10. Viveka Chudamani (Hindi)
can be downloaded here -

Brahmana Gita Audiobook (Hindi)
Brahmana Gita is from the 16 Chapter of Ashwamedh Parva of Mahabharata. This Gita is also called as Bhagwan Shri Krishna's 2nd Gita as it was told by Shri Krishna to Arjuna after the war of Kurukshetra ended and after Arjuna confessed to Shri Krishna that he had forgotten the Upadesa of Bhagwad Gita which was told to him earlier. As this Gita is told through a conversation between a Brahmana and his wife, its called by the name of Brahmana Gita.
This Gita is indeed no less significant than Bhagvad Gita in philosophical import.
Download Brahmana Gita audio MP3 files here -
Shri Vishnu Gita AudioBook (Hindi)
Vishnu Gita is a dialogue between Lord Maha Vishnu and the Devatas. It is believed to be much older than Bhagavad Gita as it was told in Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga) and the latter was told in Dwapar Yuga. Though one finds much striking similarities between these two Gitas, Vishnu Gita has its own unique style and lays more emphasis on the importance of a Sadguru.
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Shri Shiva Gita AudioBook (Hindi)
The Śhiva-Gītā is a text of Vedantic Śhaivism that comes to us from the latter portion (uttara kānda) of the Padma Purāna. In the Śhiva-Gītā, the teacher is Lord Śhiva and the disciple is Śrī Rāma, and the narrator is Suta Rishi. Lord Shiva tell Shri Rama the secrets of Bhakti and Jnana Yoga.
The Śhiva-Gītā begins with episode from the Rāmāyana epic, where Rāma is despondent over the loss of Sītā. At this time, Rāma is visited by Sage Agastya, and the sage prescribes to Rāma that he should observe a special vow called the Pāśhupata vrata. By observing this vow Agastya promises that Rama will have a vision of Lord Śhiva, and will receive the Pāśhupata astra (weapon) without which Rāvana cannot be defeated. Rāma performs the vow and at the end of four months receives a divine vision of Śhiva. Śhiva presents Rāma with the Pāśhupata astra, and Rāma in turn asks Lord Śhiva a series of questions. The dialogue between Rāma and Lord Śhiva makes up the bulk of the Śhiva-Gītā.
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Hansa Gita Audio Book (Hindi)
Hansa Gita comes from Mahabharata (Shanti Parva). It is a conversation between Bhishma and Yudishthira wherein Bhishma tell the latter how Lord Brahma in His incarnation of a golden swan instructed the Saadhya Devtaas about Moksha Dharma.
Download Hansa Gita audio MP3 files here -
Rama Gita Audio Book (Hindi)
Ram Gita comes from the Uttara Kand of Adhyatma Ramayana. It is a dialogue between Shri Rama and His brother Laxmana which is based on Advaita Vedanta and which was told by Lord Shiva to His consort Parvati.
Download Rama Gita audio MP3 files here -
Garbh Gita Audio Book (Hindi)
Garbh Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna about Karma Vipaak Shastra i.e Karmas and their consequences or the law of cause & effect.
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Who Am I - Ramana Maharshi Audio Book (Marathi)
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Who Am I - Ramana Maharshi Audio Book (Hindi)
"Who am I?" is the title given to a set of questions and answers bearing on Self-enquiry. The questions were put to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi by one Sri M. Sivaprakasam Pillai about the year 1902. Sri Pillai, a graduate in Philosophy, was at the time employed in the Revenue Department of the South Arcot Collectorate. During his visit to Tiruvannamalai in 1902 on official work, he went to Virupaksha Cave on Arunachala Hill and met the Master there. He sought from him spiritual guidance, and solicited answers to questions relating to Self-enquiry. As Bhagavan was not talking then, not because of any vow he had taken, but because he did not have the inclination to talk, he answered the questions put to him by gestures, and when these were not understood, by writing. As recollected and recorded by Sri Sivaprakasam Pillai, there were fourteen questions with answers to them given by Bhagavan. This record was first published by Sri Pillai in 1923, along with a couple of poems composed by himself relating how Bhagavan's grace operated in his case by dispelling his doubts and by saving him from a crisis in life. 'Who am I?' has been published several times subsequently. We find thirty questions and answers in some editions and twenty-eight in others. There is also another published version in which the questions are not given, and the teachings are rearranged in the form of an essay. The extant English translation is of this essay. The present rendering is of the text in the form of twenty-eight questions and answers.
Download this audio here
Who Am I - Ramana Maharshi Audio Book (English)
"Who am I?" is the title given to a set of questions and answers bearing on Self-enquiry. The questions were put to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi by one Sri M. Sivaprakasam Pillai about the year 1902. Sri Pillai, a graduate in Philosophy, was at the time employed in the Revenue Department of the South Arcot Collectorate. During his visit to Tiruvannamalai in 1902 on official work, he went to Virupaksha Cave on Arunachala Hill and met the Master there. He sought from him spiritual guidance, and solicited answers to questions relating to Self-enquiry. As Bhagavan was not talking then, not because of any vow he had taken, but because he did not have the inclination to talk, he answered the questions put to him by gestures, and when these were not understood, by writing. As recollected and recorded by Sri Sivaprakasam Pillai, there were fourteen questions with answers to them given by Bhagavan. This record was first published by Sri Pillai in 1923, along with a couple of poems composed by himself relating how Bhagavan's grace operated in his case by dispelling his doubts and by saving him from a crisis in life. 'Who am I?' has been published several times subsequently. We find thirty questions and answers in some editions and twenty-eight in others. There is also another published version in which the questions are not given, and the teachings are rearranged in the form of an essay. The extant English translation is of this essay. The present rendering is of the text in the form of twenty-eight questions and answers. Download this Who Am I audio here
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